Assorted ramblings, rants and raves about Music, Food, and Fast Cars

Tuesday, September 19, 2006

So you’re a vegetarian? Good for you!

Mother Nature acts in mysterious ways. Case in point, the recent E. Coli outbreak from spinach and other green things. For those in the know, I’ve been trying for years to get vegetarians, vegans and other salad-lovers (obviously not the toss-my-salad variety that they show on HBO), to eat less green stuff and more meat. And now it looks like Mother Nature is on my side after all. If you’re a vegetarian, Mother Nature is sending you a message – start eating meat! Being a vegetarian will kill you!

United Airlines Sucks!

This is it. The last time I ever fly United. They have to be the worst airline in the world. They have so few staff at check in that I stood in line for one and a half hours only to “miss” my flight as I was checking in too late! I know it wasn’t the poor check in lady’s fault, but if my looks could kill she would be dead by now. So here’s to all you frequent flyers – boycott United. They’re trying to get out of bankruptcy. I say we keep them in it till they really do go belly up.

Another one bites the dust

Pyaare finally bit the bullet and proposed to KP. The fact that he did it on her 30th birthday (along with a getaway week in Brazil) means that he’s set himself a very high bar in the years to come. Guess he’s going to learn the most important rule of marriage (set extremely low expectations, and then throw in the odd surprise) the hard way. I’m very happy for both of them. Congratulations guys!

Sunday, September 17, 2006

Jon Stewart

I saw Jon Stewart perform last night at the Merriweather Post Pavillion. Funnier than the one liners on the daily show, but a little disappointing when compared to stand up mainstays such as Chris Rock or Carlos Mencia. Worth watching none the less.
