Assorted ramblings, rants and raves about Music, Food, and Fast Cars

Thursday, June 24, 2010

How to pick a watermelon

I love watermelon in the summer months. We usually buy them from our neighborhood supermarket (usually Giant, but also from Trader Joe's and H-Mart) for the princely sum of $3.99 per watermelon. Here's my 3-step way to get the best watermelon on sale:

1. Look for a melon that is nice looking, meaning free of dents, bruises, cuts, etc. Check under the melon - if it has a yellow or light bottom, it should be ripe.

2. Tap the watermelon for signs of hollowness. If it sounds hollow, its ripe. Not hollow, unripe.

3. Look for a heavy melon. Watermelons are made up of mostly water, so an ideal melon should be heavy for its size.

Get these three simple steps right and you're on your way to sweet watermelon goodness (pardon the blurry cellphone pic):

