Assorted ramblings, rants and raves about Music, Food, and Fast Cars

Monday, August 14, 2006

What no transistor radio??!!

Someone I know recently had a vasectomy that didn’t quite go according to plan and had a lengthy convalescence. The poor sod’s wife decided that this would be a good time to tell the whole world about the snip, snip, snip procedure his meat and two veg had undergone – I still haven’t, for the love of God, figured out what was she thinking. On the plus side, the poor bugger showed tremendous patience and good humor by keeping a stiff upper lip throughout the whole ordeal of public scrutiny and mirth, even though there remained doubts whether something in his downstairs department would ever be stiff again in the future.

I tried to bring some levity into the situation by asking him if he had at least got a transistor radio out of it (History Lesson: Between 1976 and 1977, the Indian government deemed in it's infinite wisdom to perform vasectomy operations on men in poor communities as a novel method of population control. These, quite literally, poor buggers were given a transistor radio in exchange for giving up their ability to produce children. Welcome to the developing world). Needless to say I got in trouble for that joke, which brings me to my main message for today: Guys, if you’re going to have a vasectomy, at least make sure you get a transistor radio out of it!

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